Weight loss is at times considered a bad indicator of health. This is the case where some diseases that prevent appropriate metabolism attacks. These include diabetes, cancer and HIV virus among others. However, there are times when weight loss is desired due to the obese status of the individual.
Some of the challenges associated with being overweight include obesity, poor breathing, diabetes, may contribute to asthma among others. Overly low weight would lead to maternal challenges for women when expecting. It may lead to birth of underweight child who is more prone to infections due to the poor formation of the immune system. It also affects production of some cells such as red blood cells. This is partly because of reduced availability of amino acids for body building.
Generally, there are more challenges associated with poor healthy among those who are overweight as compared to those with underweight. However, both conditions of over or under weight are not desirable and should be avoided.
The tips provided herein are meant to help you get to the acceptable weight of body mass. This is in relation to age and height.
1. Exercises: this is a common way of controlling weight gain or loss. There are exercises that would to contribute to muscle gain and those that contribute to fat loss or again.
2. Diet: the most effective diet is one that is full of whole meal carbohydrates and less of meat and bear. Carbohydrates are the precursors to glucose that is utilized by the muscles and all other body organs for energy. Excess of it is stored in the cells of the adipose tissue and this is what leads to being a heavy bodied person. The only safe carbohydrate is the whole grain which would not be converted into glucose molecule immediately. Instead, it is released in short periods.
3. Alternative medicine: this includes the use of herbal medications and other non-scientific methods such as dahn yoga. Some of these may even be exactly what the modern science teachers but differ in the manner in which it is done.
4. Positive mindset: this may sound farfetched, but the most important ingredient for weight loss is the mind. We are what we think others think we are.The benefit of having a positive mindset is that you will be able to take on the more disciplined training exercises that must be done daily to improve the body shape. Most people tell themselves that they can't do it and this is what it turns out to be. Therefore a positive mind is essential for successful weight loss program.
5. Take lots of water during exercises: water is medium for function of mast often body processes. Therefore, adequate supply of water contributes to weight loss due to the improved function of the cells including the skin, kidney.
Again, if you are not sure of which method would be most effective, then it is best to seek advice from your physician.
Do you want to find out a top fat loss secret that can help you lose weight fast? Then please visit best way to lose weight.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_P_Koh
very interesting comtent.